About WildAct

Vietnam Wildlife Action Center (WildAct Vietnam or WildAct) is a non-profit organisation in Vietnam, with the initial aim of engaging young Vietnamese in wildlife conservation in 2012. At its inception, WildAct operated as a self-funded organisation. In 2015, WildAct was licensed to operate as a conservation non-profit or non-governmental organisation.

Our vision

We conserve threatened species and ecosystems in Vietnam by inspiring, motivating, and empowering individuals and society to engage in science-based conservation practices.

Our mission

We protect critical habitats to conserve threatened species in the Annamite Range and Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve in Vietnam through strengthening law enforcement, capacity building, cross-sectoral partnership, community engagement, and education outreach.

Core values

Inclusive environment

We create opportunities for individuals and communities to be actively involved in the management of natural resources.

Innovative perspective

We are constantly learning and seeking innovations and initiatives to address conservation challenges.

Interdisciplinary approach

We cooperate with other conservation NGOs and stakeholders to tackle conservation issues, the root causes of which are: poverty, lack of education, and gender equality.

Impactful practices

Our conservation practices are strictly monitored and evaluated to ensure the effectiveness, address the weakness, and/or improve project impacts.

Integrity leadership

We act with integrity and transparency. Our conservation practices are based on scientific evidence to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Our people

Nguyen Thi Thu Trang

Founder & Executive Director

Phan Huong Giang

General Accountant

Le Quoc Thuong

Species and Habitat Program Manager

Le Thu Ha

Public Relations and Fundraising Coordinator

Donors and Partners

History and Legal


Vietnam Wildlife Action Center (WildAct Vietnam or WildAct) is a non-profit organisation in Vietnam, with the initial aim of engaging young Vietnamese in wildlife conservation in 2012. At its inception, WildAct operated as a self-funded organisation. In 2015, WildAct was licensed to operate as a conservation non-profit or non-governmental organisation.

Legal Status

WildAct was officially established as a Non-Profit Organisation per Decision No. 02/QD-VNPPA issued on June 6th 2015 by the Vietnam National Parks and Protected Areas Association (VNPPA). 

WildAct has been granted an activity license for science and technology No. A-1357 dated dated August 18th 2015 by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Policies and reports

We have our policies in place to ensure that all of our staff maintain a commitment to governance and transparency as we work together to achieve our mission

Join our team

Working at WildAct means working in a dedicated, inclusive, and dynamic environment where you can make a difference for our planet with your career.

We are working hard to contribute to a harmonious and equitable planet for humans and nature. Your desires for social changes and skills are important to us!