WildAct received Certificate of Honor at the 2024 Vietnam Conservation Summit 2024

[Da Nang, Vietnam] From June 14-16, WildAct was honored as one of four outstanding conservation organizations recognised at the Vietnam Conservation Summit 2024. 

Taking place over 3 days, the Vietnam Conservation Summit 2024 featured many meaningful networking activities. The event aimed to recognised the contributions and efforts of local non-profit organizations (local NGOs) in the field of conservation. Also, the Summit provided an excellent opportunity for business units to gain new perspectives about nature conservation in Vietnam. 

This year, the Summit officially marked the transfer of the Primate Conservation Programme from the Fauna & Flora Vietnam to the Conservation Vietnam. It also introduced conservation projects to new donors and partners from various sectors, such as investors, education, media, and recruitment. The Summit fostered collaboration on strategic solutions for multi-disciplinary sustainable development between business and the environment. It also provided a platform for individuals, sponsors, and businesses to connect with experts and organizations in the field of nature conservation. 

Two keynote speakers, Ms. Pham Tuan Anh, - Director of Viet Nature Conservation Center, with the topic “Potentials for Development of Carbon Credit and Biodiversity Credit in Vietnam”, and Mr. Nguyen Van Thai, Director of Save Vietnam's Wildlife, with the topic “Application of Technology in Wildlife Conservation”, drew significant interest from businesses eager to support nature conservation sector in Vietnam. 

The panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Dominic Scriven, OBE, Founder and Chairman of Dragon Capital, included positive contributions from representatives of conservation organizations. These included Mr. Pham Xuan Thinh, Director of Cat Tien National Park; Dr. Ben Rawson, Chairman of the Conservation Vietnam Board Advisory; Ms. Nina Marshall, Senior Director of Monitoring, Evaluation & Outreach at the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund; and Dr. Trang Nguyen, Founder and CEO of WildAct Vietnam. The speakers shared valuable insights from Vietnam's nature conservation experiences and updated attendees on upcoming efforts to contribute to the national biodiversity conservation goals.   

The panel discussion received positive contributions from representatives of conservation organizations

Although this was the first year the Vietnam Conservation Summit was held, it attracted participation from more than 10 conservation organizations, as well as sponsors, companion units, and media representatives. Hopefully, the Summit will serve as a foundation for future conservation initiatives, marking a milestone in connecting businesses with conservation organizations.