Efforts building capacity for women to participate in Vietnam’s conservation sector
From December 6 to December 8, 2023, in Hanoi, Vietnam Wildlife Action Center (WildAct Viet Nam) conducted a training workshop aimed to increase the capacity of female conservationists 2023 in recognising and preventing gender-based violence in the conservation sector.

The training program within the project “Promoting Women’s Participation in Conservation Activities 2023 - 2024” was led by WildAct and CSAGA experts. Thirty - two participants with a variety of backgrounds in biology, veterinary, natural resource management, and wildlife education created a vibrant and meaningful training workshop.
The three-day workshop provided practical training and coaching sessions for registered female conservationists and postgraduates on how to design projects, write grant proposals and recognise and prevent gender-based violence in the conservation sector. Only trained participants will be invited to create their project proposals at Chu Yang Sin National Park with a total funding worth upto $16,000.

WildAct is currently the first and only wildlife conservation organisation in Vietnam with a core project on reducing gender-based violence in the working environment in the conservation sector. “In Vietnam, workplace gender inequality undermines female conservationists’ ability to achieve their key goals of biodiversity protection and career advancement opportunities. These above challenges are due to a need for a safe workplace, capacity development training, and more opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities. Therefore, our training workshop is aimed to increase the capability of female wildlife conservationists to address and prevent challenges of gender inequality.”, said Dr. Trang Nguyen, Director and Founder of WildAct.

Conservation is considered as a male sector due to gender attitudes and stereotypes. Hence, society has seen positive changes in female labour force participation in conservation activities. Developing capacity, creating an equal and safe workplace, and empowering women in conservation will greatly impact nature resources management and conservation, contributing to Vietnam's biodiversity sustainability.
“This training workshop not only provided me with detailed knowledge of designing and implementing project proposals but also gave me positive perspectives on the role and development opportunities of women in Vietnam conservation activities.”, said Pham Ngoc An, Center for Biodiversity conservation and Endangered Species, a workshop trainee.

The training program is one of the efforts to improve capacity and create new opportunities for female officers of conservation organisations in Vietnam. Providing an environment for mutual development and learning will open a potential and dynamic future for female conservationists. The equal participation of both women and men from different social classes in forest management, protection, and development will ensure a sustainable future for the conservation sector in Vietnam.