December 16, 2021
We established at least one Community Conservation Committee (CCC) and two Community Conservation Teams (CCT) at each of our project site.
The Community Conservation Committee Was Created To:
Create a self-sustaining community-based governance structure to manage local natural resources;
Empowering local community leaders to directly involving in the managing, planning and implementing of conservation activities on the ground;
Amplifying local community, especially the ethnic minority’s voices in conserving endemic wildlife;
Develop a model that is highly adaptable and can be fit to each communities needs.

The Community Conservation Team Was Created To:
Provide sustainable income and conservation job’s opportunity to local people to directly implementing conservation activities;
Empowering women of the community to engage, participate and become leaders of conservation in the local areas;
Improving local capacity in wildlife conservation in Vietnam, where the local people are trained and actively participate in biodiversity monitoring survey and research.
Please stay connected for our updates!
Contact us at: info@wildact-vn.org if you want to find out more about this programme
Updating activity:
Illegal Bird Hunting in the Red River Delta Biosphere
Bird Trap Removal in Ninh Binh Province
Conserving Threatened Shorebirds Through Communitynservation In The Red River Delta, Vietnam